Saturday, January 25, 2020
Analysis Of Psychological Egoism Philosophy Essay
Analysis Of Psychological Egoism Philosophy Essay Psychological egoism is the empirical doctrine that the determining motive of every voluntary action is a desire for ones own welfare. On this view, even though all actions are regarded as self-interested actions, the egoist readily points out that people usually try to conceal the determining motives for their actions because such concealment is usually in their self-interest. Psychological egoism is a theory about motivation that claims that all of our ultimate desires are self-directed. Whenever we want others to do well (or ill), we have these other-directed desires only instrumentally; we care about others only because we think that the welfare of others will have ramifications for our own welfare. As stated, egoism is a descriptive, not a normative, claim. It aims to characterize what motivates human beings in fact; the theory does not say whether it is good or bad that people are so motivated. Ethical Egoism purports to tell us how to live. As such, it is a consequentiality theory; that is, it maintains that the rightness or wrongness of acts depends on their consequences. More specifically, it says that right actions promote self-interests and wrong actions detract from self-interest. Besides, Ethical egoism claims that it is necessary and sufficient for an action to be morally right that it maximize ones self-interest. It makes claims about what one ought to do, rather than describe what one does do. One of the problems with this position is that it might not be in ones self-interest to have everyone act from the perspective of self-interest. This state of nature would not be desirable (in Hobbes terms, life would be beastly, brutal, and short) and so it might ultimately be in ones self-interest to enter into a contract with others that would place restraints upon self-interested actions. Teleological Theory Theà teleological theoryà of ethics has broad appeal to many because it explains the rightness or virtue of action in terms of the good realized by it.à The word teleology is derived from the Greek word telos that means ends. In this theory, you would consider the ends, or the outcomes of your decision. Teleology was explored by Plato and Aristotle, by Saint Anselm around 1000 A.D., and later by Immanuel Kant in his Critique of Judgement. It was fundamental to the speculative philosophy of Hegel. Since this theory is concerned about the consequences of the decision, it is also referred to as consequentialist. For example, a moral theory that maintains that the rightness of an action is one which achieves the goal of maximizing happiness counts as a teleological theory. The two main types of theory brought under the rubric of teleological ethics are Utilitarianism and Ethical Egoism. Utilitarianism is clearly the most widely accepted teleological theory. Some however, have accepted another teleological viewethical egoism. Thus, in what follows we state and evaluate ethical egoism and different form of utilitarianism, in that order. Utilitarianism is a moral theory according to which welfare is the fundamental human good. Welfare may be understood as referring to the happiness or well being of individuals. Utilitarianism is most commonly a theory about the rightness of actions; it is the doctrine that, from a range of possibilities, the right action is the action which most increases the welfare of human beings or sentient creatures in general. Of the many moral theories now called Utilitarian, all share this claim that morality ought to be concerned with increasing welfare. The sense of utilitarianism can be started in this way: the rightness or wrongness of an act or moral rule is solely a matter of the nonmoral good produced directly or indirectly in the consequences of that act of rule. Utilitarianism has its historical origins in seventeenth century Britain although its central ideas may be traced back to Plato and ancient Greek discussions of eudaimonia. The most important developers and proponents of utilitarianism are Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832); He first attained attention as a critic of the leading legal theorist in eighteenth century England, Sir William Blackstone. Benthams campaign for social and political reforms in all areas, most notably the criminal law, had its theoretical basis in his utilitarianism, expounded in his Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, a work written in 1780 but not published until 1789. In it he formulated the principle of utility, which approves of an action in so far as an action has an overall tendency to promote the greatest amount of happiness. In its historical context, utilitarianism aspired to be a movement of social reform. It was closely tied to its political aspirations, promoted a new conception of morality which eschewed references to God and religion, and took morality to be fundamentally an attempt to bring about as much happiness of pleasure, to achieve the greatest good for the greatest number. Utilitarianism is divided into two branches which are Act Utilitarianism and Rule Utilitarianism. The type of utilitarianism outlined to date is termed act utilitarianism. Every single act is judged by its individual consequences and decisions on morality reached. Act utilitarianism is entirely situational and consequences in terms of happiness cannot be applied across situations. Rule utilitarianism removes this tension. The maximising happiness principle is applied not to an individual situation, but rather to that set of circumstances in general and the moral rule is then created. For example it is generally the case that murdering innocents does not maximise happiness for the majority therefore it is immoral on all occasions. Whilst this gets around certain unpalatability with utilitarianism, it does remove the true consequential nature of the system. Judgment on general consequences is not the same as judging the consequences of a specific circumstance. The other main branch of Teleology theory is Egoism. In philosophy, egoism is the theory that ones self is, or should be, the motivation and the goal of ones own action. Egoism has two variants, descriptive or normative. The descriptive (or positive) variant conceives egoism as aà factualà description of human affairs. That is, people are motivated by their own interests and desires, and they cannot be described otherwise. The normative variant proposes that people should be so motivated, regardless of what presently motivates their behaviour. Altruism is the opposite of egoism. The term egoism derives from ego, the Latin term for I in English. Egoism should be distinguished fromà egotism, which means a psychological overvaluation of ones own importance, or of ones own activities. The most plausible form of ethical egoism, embraced by such philosophers as Ayn Rand and John Hospers, is called universal or impersonal rule egoism: each person has a moral rule that will be in the agents maximal self-interested over the long haul. For the ethical egoist, one has a duty to follow correct moral rules. And the factor that makes a rule a correct one is that, if followed, it will be in the agents own best interest in the long run. Each person ought to advance his/her own self-interested and that is the sole of foundation of morality. Ethical egoism is sometimes confused with various distinct issues. First, there is individual or personal ethical egoism, which says everyone has a duty to act so as to serve my self-interest. Here, everyone is morally obligated to serve the speakers long-term best interests. Second, there is psychological egoism, roughly, the idea that each person can only do an act that the person takes to maximize his or own self-interested. Psychological egoism is a descriptive thesis about motivation to the effect that we can only act on motives that are in our own self-interest. Psychological egoism is sometimes used as part of an argument for ethical egoism, but the two are distinct theses. Psychological egoism is also called the pleasure principle. It is the most famous descriptive position, claims that each person has but one ultimate aim: her own welfare. Psychological egoism insist that people are capable of desiring the happiness of other only when they taken it to be acting unselfishly and disinterestedly when they take the interests of others to be means to the promotion of their own self-interest. à Furthermore, it allows for weakness of will, since in weakness of will cases I am still aiming at my own welfare; I am weak in that I do not act as I aim. And it allows for aiming at things other than ones welfare, such as helping others, where these things are a means to ones welfare. On the other hand, Ethical egoism is a normative theory that states that our actions ought to be done from the perspective of self-interest. Besides, it also claims that it is necessary and sufficient for an action to be morally right that it maximize ones self-interest. In the strong version, it is held that it is always moral to promote ones own good, and it is never moral not to promote it. In the weak version, it is said that although it is always moral to promote ones own good, it is not necessarily never moral to not. That is, there may be conditions in which the avoidance of personal interest may be a moral action. There are three distinct types of ethical egoism: Personal ethical egoism, Individual ethical egoism and Universal ethical egoism. Personal egoists maintain that they are going to act in their own self-interest and that anything else is irrelevant to them. They actually have no interest in telling other people how to act all, and in this sense, their position is hardly a moral theory at all. () In fact, the only things which they concern in life is to further their own self-interest. Second, Individual Ethical Egoism is a belief that cant be consistent unless it applies to just one person. In other words, this belief is not universalizable. The different between personal egoism, which is hardly an ethical theory at all, and Individual ethical egoism is that latter does make a claim about how other people ought to act. Lastly, the Universal Ethical Egoism. Whereas individual ethical egoism think everyone ought to act in their own self-interest, universal ethical egoists think that each individual ought to act in his or her own self-interest. Each person, universal ethical egoists maintain, ought to be out for himself or herself. Egoism The term egoism is ordinarily used to mean exclusive concern with satisfying ones own desires, getting what one wants. Dictionaries tend to support this. They call egoism, for instance, 1. selfishness; selfà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã interest. 2. conceit (Websters New World Dictionary). The term egotist is often a substitute, although its defined differently, for example, as excessive reference to oneself. The ego is the self. But we should distinguish first between selfishness, selfà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã interest, and interest of the self. They usually mean, respectively, Concern exclusively and for indulging ones desires, consideration based first on what is good for oneself without the exclusion of others, and that which motivates an autonomous person. These will help us appreciate what follows Philosopher opinions about egoism Every individual serves his own private interestà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦The great Saints of history have served their private interest just as the most money grubbing miser has served his interest. The private interest is whatever it is that drives an individual (Friedman, 1976). But whatsoever is the object of any mans Appetite or Desire, that is it which he for his part called Good: and the object of his Hate and Aversion, Evilà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦For these words of Good and Evilà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦are ever used with relation to the person that used them: there being nothing simply and absolutely so; nor any Common Rule of Good and Evil (Hobbes, 1968: 120). Criticisms Egoism is sometimes criticized for attributing too much calculation to spontaneous acts of helping. People who help in emergency situations often report doing so without thinking (Clark and Word 1974). However, it is hard to take such reports literally when the acts involve a precise series of complicated actions that are well-suited to an apparent end. A lifeguard who rescues a struggling swimmer is properly viewed as having a goal and as selecting actions that advance that goal. The fact that she engaged in no ponderous and self-conscious calculation does not show that no means/end reasoning occurred. In any case, actions that really do occur without the mediation of beliefs and desires fall outside the scope of both egoism and altruism. People jerk their legs when their knees are tapped with hammers, but that refutes neither theory. Classical Egoism A more promising ethical egoism states that each person should live so as to achieve his or her rational selfà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã interest. (I have called this classical egoism to indicate its pedigree in Aristotelianism. It is also captured by the term eudaimonist ethics.) Accordingly, as living beings we need a guide to conduct, principles to be used when we cannot assess the merits of each action from the start. As living beings we share with other animals the value of life. But life occurs in individual (living) things. And human living, unlike that of other animals, cannot be pursued automatically. We must learn to do it. And the particular life we can pursue and about which we can exercise choices is our own. By understanding who and what we are, we can identify the standards by which our own life can most likely be advanced properly, made successful, become a happy life. Business Ethics and Egoism Egoism is of concern in the examination of business ethics, both when we use the latter to refer to how people in commercial and business endeavors ought to act, and what kinds of public policy should govern business and industry to whit, capitalism, which arises from a legal system that respects and protects private property rights, and is an economic system that is closely linked to versions of egoism. Adam Smith, the founder of modern economic science, advanced something like a psychological egoist position about human motivation (although arguably Smith was not thoroughgoing in this for example in his Theory of Moral Sentiments he advances a different position). Arguments for Psychological Egoism There are several arguments which are strongly supporting the psychological egoism which is the empirical doctrine that the determining motive of every voluntary action is a desire for ones own welfare. Firstly, the arguments which favor in psychological egoism argues that people are ego and selfish because people always act as what they desire to. This arguments state that people always act according to self-interest and every voluntary action are selfish. For example, a shopkeeper who is being honest and returned the changes that left by the customer after purchasing good is defined as an act which is ego and self interested because the shopkeeper knows that being honest will help the business and maintain the good name of the shop. Thus, psychological egoist said that people are acting what they want due to their desire and also self-interest, therefore, people are ego and selfish. Besides, psychological egoist states that people are ego and selfish because they always act to get the pleasure and satisfactory. This argument indicates that every action of the people is aimed to get a good feel or being satisfied or in simple words, people acted to get the good feeling which may be gained after doing this action. For example, one who participates in the donation of blood do so due to the satisfactory and the good feeling which one may gained by donating his own blood. One might feel that he can help the people who need the blood and hence he feels satisfied by the action of donation of his own blood. Hence, this action which are acted to get the pleasure and satisfactory is pointed out by psychological egoist as the statement of people act are always ego. Apart from that, one of the arguments in favor of psychological egoism indicates that people act is ego because they wanted to gain benefits from their action. This argument argues that peoples actions are done to get benefits such as fame, becomes popular, liked by others and so forth. For instance, from the perspective of the argument, a soldier who saved his comrades life acted bravely to get an award or a reward such as a medal. Arguments favor in psychological egoism also states that those who donates money to the poor, beggar or charity acting generous and donates money to the charities because they are enjoying the feedback from their action as they will get a good fame, becomes more popular and also being liked by the people due to their generous action. As a conclusion, arguments for psychological egoism states that each of the humans voluntary actions are being acted due to their desire to gain satisfactory, benefits and also because of their self-interest. Thus, these arguments agree the view of psychological egoism which states that people are ego because they are acting for their own good. Arguments against Psychological Egoism Many of the arguments oppose the theory of psychological egoism which states that human acts are selfish because people act according to their own desire. These arguments strongly disagree on the view of psychological egoism due to the consideration of several factors and using counter-evidence. Firstly, the arguments against the psychological egoism states that human has genuine benevolence and genuine malevolence. This argument argues that human acts may be due to the capable of genuine benevolence and genuine malevolence which is the kind and the evil that planted in the humans mind or spirit. For example, Mother Teresa who helped a lots of poor, sick, old and also children lent her hand to those needy because of her genuine benevolence, neither because of her own self-interest nor benefits. Hence, the opponents pointed out that the psychological egoism is false because there will be people who act voluntarily upon the genuine benevolence. Besides, opponents of psychological egoism said that self-interest and interest in the welfare of others are not necessarily incompatible. This argument states that people may be acting due to the completely self-interest and welfare of others. For instance, a business man never cheats his clients and customers because he knows that this action is good for businesses. From the point of view of the psychological egoism opponents, the business man does not cheat his clients and customers had take care the welfare of them and the business man did this for the good of his business which is the self-interest. The psychological egoism opponents hence state that people act not only for their self-interest but also may contain the interest in others welfare. Apart from that, the argument against psychological egoism also states that human motives are oversimplified according to the psychological egoism. The opponents of psychological egoism state that one can has many motives when one is doing an action and only one of the motives may be the self-interest or benefits. For example, a father who gave his seat to an old lady on a bus may act so due to multiple reasons. From the perspective of opponents of psychological egoism, he may wanted to be the model to teach his son a lesson on giving a seat or lending a hand to the needy, he may wanted to get the satisfactory or good feeling after helping the old lady, he may also helped the old lady because of compassion and he may thought that it is dangerous for an old lady standing on a moving bus. Among the several reasons that are listed out, there are only one reason states that this father helped the old lady due to his self-interest. Thus, the opponents believe that humans act is not solely due to the egoism but there might be other factors which are taken into the consideration before a human act. As a conclusion, opponents of psychological egoism indicates that human acts are not solely because of self-interest nor benefits but can be causes by other factors such as the genuine benevolence, compatibility of self-interest and others welfare and also multiple of motives. These opponents believe that there will be some human actions which are acted against ego and truly out of a kind heart which is altruism as what have been done by Mother Teresa. Arguments For and Against Ethical Egoism Ethical egoism is the prescriptive doctrine that all persons ought to act from their own self-interest. It differs from psychological egoism, which claims that people can only act in their self-interest. Ethical egoism also differs from rational egoism, which holds merely that it is rational to act in ones self-interest. These doctrines may, though, be combined with ethical egoism. Ethical egoism is divided into three branches which are individual ethical egoism, personal ethical egoism and universal ethical egoism. One of the arguments for ethical egoism is looking out for others are self-defeating. We ought to do what will promote the interests of everyone alike. The interests of everyone will be best promoted if each of us adopts the policy of looking to our own interests exclusively. Therefore, each of us should adopt the policy of looking to our own interests exclusively. The other argument for ethical egoism is the Ann Rands argument. According to Ann Rands argument, we each ought to regard this one life as of supreme importance or ultimate value to us since we each have just one life. Ethical egoism and only ethical egoism allows each individuals life to be of supreme importance or ultimate value to them. Other moral theories all directly or indirectly enjoin altruism. Altruism regards the individual life as something one may be required to sacrifice for the sake of others. So, altruism does not allow each individuals life to be of supreme importance to them. Therefore, we all ought to be Ethical Egoists. The third argument in favour of ethical egoism is egoism can account for ordinary morality. Egoism provides one fundamental principle from which the rest of morality can be derived. However, there is a problem with this argument since other moral theories arguably do an even better job of this. According to Kurt Baiers argument, morality is supposed to help us resolve conflicts of interest. Ethical egoism gives no help in this regard so ethical egoism is not an acceptable morality. The other argument against ethical egoism is the self-contradictory argument. People will often have conflicting duties. For instance, according to ethical egoism, it is in As best-interest to kill B so A has a duty to do so and it is in Bs best interest to avoid being killed so B has a duty (by ethical egoism) to prevent it. It is wrong to prevent someones doing their duty. So ethical egoism entails a contradiction, it is not wrong for A to kill B since it is in As best-interest to kill B but it is wrong for A to kill B. B has a duty to avoid being killed and its wrong for A to prevent B from doing Bs duty. Therefore, ethical egoism is false. Other than that, the third argument against ethical egoism which is Rachels argument discuss that we can justify treating people differently only if we can show that there is some factual difference between them that is relevant to justifying the difference in treatment. Ethical egoism says we should treat others and ourselves differently but there is no factual difference between self and others that justifies this difference in treatment so ethical egoism is unacceptably arbitrary. Rachels comments on this argument shed light on why we should care about others interests. For the very same reason we care about our own because they are in all relevant respects like us.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Food Production
This essay will explain about farming today, and how it affects our environment, also ways in which we can help to protect our environment, our health and animal welfare. Farming is the production of food and other materials by raising plants and animals. Many people buy their food in supermarkets close to their homes, but the food is imported from many different countries, and many products are farmed in a number of different ways. The way food is farmed affects the environment. It also affects people's health and the treatment of animals. Some farming methods are more harmful than others. Over 11,000 years ago, people got all their food by gathering wild plants, hunting and also from fishing. They travelled around constantly in search for food. But then people learned how to grow plants from seeds. They learned how to raise animals, and then began to settle in one place. Now they could wait for their plants and crops to grow, and begin to harvest them when they were ripe. Then about 250 years ago farmers in much wealthier countries started using machines. Machinery did most of the work for people, so people could make food for many more people and sell it to their community. Scientists then developed chemicals to produce more food, and developed new plants and different breeds of animals. Many more farmers now use more chemicals such as fertilisers, pesticides and herbicides to grow more crops. Fertilisers make the soil more fertile. Pesticides kill insects that harm crops and herbicides kill weeds among the crops. Today in wealthy countries such as Britain and the USA people live in cities rely on fewer farmers in the countryside to grow their food. But many people are worried about how their food is produced, chemicals are sprayed onto the crops and they can stay on the food. They can also run into rivers and the water underground. New kinds of plants and new breads of animals may upset the natural environment. Valuable soil is also being lost or damaged. There is a lot of reduction in land and one of the causes for this is farming Farming methods, including overgrazing, incorrect farming methods and the overstocking of land, remove essential nutrients from the soil. This results in the denudation of the land. As no vegetation is available to retain the soil, it is washed away. Soil erosion further lessens the amount of land available for natural plants and animals. As the number of people grows daily, more food is needed and more land is being utilised for farming, decreasing the amount of land used by animals and plants, especially in the case of rainforests in tropical countries. As the rainforest are destroyed to make way for more farming land. Nature, insect and vegetation. In other countries hedge rows and trees are lost also killing that which resides there. Modern farming results include: 1) The hybridisation of plant species 2) improvements from animal breeding 3) the use of fertilisers and insecticides There are two types of insecticide found: 1) Organic: from plants and animals, e.g. manure and compost 2) inorganic: from non-living materials, e.g. rocks, minerals (these can disrupt ecosystems) When inorganic fertilisers are dissolved in rainwater, they run off into water sources. This is called Eutrophication. Eutrophication is the over growth of algae in water ecosystems where nutrients are usually limiting. Many fresh water systems are ââ¬Ëoligotrophic', meaning that the growth of primary producers (algae) is limited not by dissolved gas or light, but by nutrients such as nitrates and minerals. The organisms in these environments have evolved to be optimally suited to these conditions, and everything works fairly well. But when someone builds something next to a lake (e.g. golf course), and the fertilizer being used on the grass runs off into the lake, the algae grows too fast for the rest of the ecosystem to keep up, and overgrows the lake, killing everything in it. That's one example, there are many other the solutions generally involve not washing lots of nutrients into lakes and streams (or the ocean, which, although generally full of nutrients, can also be locally overwhelmed with runoff, especially in coral reef environments). Farmers use pesticides and insecticides to kill organisms that damage their crops. The following methods are used: 1) Chemical: a poison is introduced, e.g. herbicides and DDT 2) biological: a natural predator is introduced, e.g. snakes to kill rats 3) mechanical: people and machines are used, e.g. rat traps Side effects of these methods can include: 1) The death of animals that are not pests 2) DDT entering and moving up the food chain DDT is an effective but dangerous pesticide. Below is a diagram to show how DDT is moved up the food chain. Farming produces much pollution, mainly water pollution through chemicals, and air pollution through machinery used in the farming process, the consequences of fumes being given off lead to, the green house effect which leads to global warming. Detrimental effects on human health and vegetation. This also causes acid rain. Water pollution was mentioned earlier. And how the chemicals being used travel through the lakes and rivers. This disrupts our ecosystems. So now you basically know what effects food production has on our environment, so how can we prevent this from happening? Well for a start we could all begin to eat more organic foods. Organic agriculture bars the use of synthetic pesticides and artificial fertilizers, and instead relies on ecological interactions to raise yields, reduce pests and build soil fertility. Diverse planting patterns, frequent rotations and attraction of beneficial insects, for instance, would all be organic means of pest control. Organic meat and dairy farming is the raising of animals without hormones, antibiotics or other artificial chemicals; it also includes using organic feed and allowing animals sufficient range of movement and sunlight. Genetic engineering of plants and animals is not considered organic. Organic farming is definitely a way forward. Lets hope in the future more people see it this way.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Taking a Look at Nephropathy - 1818 Words
I watched my grandfather struggle with Nephropathy, a kidney disease caused by diabetes. Large amounts of glucose make the kidneys channel an excessive amount of blood. All this makes it hard for the filters. After some years, the filters start to leak and all the useful protein is lost in the urine. Waste products then start to build up in the blood which then causes kidney failure. This becomes very serious because then a kidney transplant becomes necessary. I remember my grandfather was always in and out the hospital. He had been on the waiting list for a new kidney for many years. Because of his disease, he wasnââ¬â¢t able to do a lot of work. He only worked for about 3 hours a day just because he didnââ¬â¢t want to stay in the house all day. To keep him alive while waiting on the kidney transplant, the doctors gave my grandfather a lot of medicine to go home with. He had a whole container of medicine that he had to take every day. So with all that medication he had to take , it made it more difficult for him to do a lot of physical activities that he was able to do before he got sick. He finally got the transplant in 2012. Everything was going great for the first three months until he got an infection. My mother said the infection came from the surgery room. The infection got really bad after a few months and he passed away. Watching him struggle in pain for so many years while waiting on a kidney was painful. It was sad to know that he did all that waiting only to die afterShow MoreRelatedGluten, Wheat And Grain Products915 Words à |à 4 Pagestests for antibodies specialized to celiac disease. Another test that can be done to diagnose celiac disease is a small intestinal biopsy which uses an EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) to collect samples of the small intestine. Doctors then use this to look for signs of celiac disease. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Xenia in the Odyssey - 1993 Words
The Importance of Xenia in The Odyssey and itââ¬â¢s Consequences One of the most important themes in The Odyssey is the concept of xenia, which is the old Greek word for hospitality. In modern times, hospitality is something we rarely think of, and the first thing that comes to mind is the hotel industry, but in ancient Greece, xenia was not about hotels, or just about etiquette, it was a way of life with many benefits in a world that was still mostly savage. Xenia was more than just being polite to strangers. It was a set of rules and customs that defined the guest-host relationship between two individuals, two groups of people, or an individual and a group. Some basic rules of this relationship were that the guest could not insult theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Itââ¬â¢s easy to see the result of good xenia here, in terms of how Odysseus profited by it. He eventually encountered Nausikaaââ¬â¢s parents, was well received, entertained, and was sent on his way in a Phaiakian boat to Ithaka, loaded down with treasures. Good Xenia: Odysseus and Eumaios Another example of good xenia in The Odyssey is Odysseusââ¬â¢ reception by Eumaios, a swineherd on his estate in Ithaka. Even though Odysseus appeared to be a homeless, wandering beggar, he was still received well by Eumaios. He was immediately invited in for food and drink: ââ¬Å"Come to the cabin. Youââ¬â¢re a wanderer too. You must eat something, drink some wine, and tell me where you are from and the hard times youââ¬â¢ve seenâ⬠(Homer 248). Eumaios even arranged his own bed as a bench for Odysseus to sit down, reminding Odysseus that ââ¬Å"â⬠¦rudeness to a stranger is not decency, poor though he may beâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (Homer 249). When evening came, Eumaios made a bed for Odysseus and even offered him his own cloak to keep him warm during the night. This level of courtesy towards a man, who, for all appearances, was nothing more than a beggar, shows Eumaiosââ¬â¢ dedication to proper xenia. Odysseus continued to stay with Eumaios for multiple days, but at no point did Eumaios ever insist that he leave. He offered as much hospitality as he could to Odysseus, trusting in the customs of xenia that Odysseus would make no unreasonable demands or overstay his welcome. For his part, OdysseusShow MoreRelatedXenia in the Odyssey Essay760 Words à |à 4 Pagesancient Greece. Hospitality, or Xenia, is so essential in Greek society that Zeus, in addition to being the king of the Gods, is also the God of travelers (Wikipedia). This created an obligation for the host to be hospitable to their guests, and conversely, the guests had their own responsibilities as well. If either the host or the guest was to break any rule set by Xenia, there would be severe penalties dealt by Zeus and also by society (Wikipedia). In The Odyssey, Xenia is a theme which is shown repeatedlyRead MoreAnalysis Of Xenia And The Odyssey 889 Words à |à 4 PagesSignificance of Xenia in the Works of Homer: Hospitality in the Illiad and the Odyssey The concept of Xenia was extremely significant in ancient Greek culture. As such, it played a prominent role in the works of authors, most specifically Homer. In fact, some of the most significant information we have about the concept of Xenia, as it relates to cultural norms come from the work of Homer, and the examples of hospitality demonstrated in the protagonistââ¬â¢s journeys in the Iliad and the Odyssey. More specificallyRead MoreWhy Is Xenia Such an Important Theme in the Odyssey?1211 Words à |à 5 PagesWhy is Xenia such an important theme in the Odyssey? Explain your views and support them with details from the poem. (45 marks) The concept of guest hospitality was extremely important in ancient Greece. Evidence that Xenia was integral to Greek society can be found in the fact that Zeus, the king of the Gods, was also portrayed as the God of Xenia. Xenia created an obligation for the host to be hospitable to their guests, and conversely, the guests had their own responsibilities too. If eitherRead MoreGood and Bad Xenia in The Odyssey by Homer892 Words à |à 4 Pagespresenting good xenia to guests. xenia is commonly used to portray hospitality or a guest/host relationship. xenia, is important in Ancient Greek society. Zeus is the God of travelers, in addition to being the king of the Gods. This forces for the host to feel obliged to treat their guests with much hospitality, and vice versa with guests, serving with high responsibility. Zeus would severely punish those who break the fine rules of xenia and hospitality. In the epic,ââ¬Å"The Odysseyâ⬠by Homer, thereRead MoreThe Significance of Xenia in Homerââ¬Å¡Ãâà ´s The Odyssey1261 Words à |à 6 PagesKaitlyn Lambert MR. Bovaird Honors English 9 23 May 2010 The Significance of Xenia in Homerââ¬â¢s Odyssey The society of Ancient Greece was very much centered around the gods, and a healthy fear of the consequences of not obeying their laws. The next most important staples of the society were the concepts of braver, pride, and hospitality, or Xenia. The significance of these values is shown quite clearly in The Odyssey of Homer. In the first five books of the epic, Telemachos is shown great hospitalityRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s Epic Of The Iliad And Odyssey903 Words à |à 4 Pagespersonal narrative, I will analyze two themes from Homerââ¬â¢s epicââ¬â¢s pertaining to the Iliad and the Odyssey. I have chosen hospitality (Xenia) and shame (Aidos) as the subject of interest, and will focus on these as a main source of the topic. 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The host also has to hold all questioningRead MoreAnalysis Of The Odyssey 1368 Words à |à 6 Pagesanalysis of xenia in The Odyssey William Shakespeare, in Timon Of Athens Act III Scene line 39 writes : I charge thee, invite them all: let in the tide of knaves once more; my cook and I ll provideâ⬠Shakespeare is explaining to his readers that he will invite everyone in and he will cook for them meaning that he will provide everything to his guests. Similarly, in The Odyssey Odysseus without knowing it is providing for all the suitors with a home and food for endless days. The Odyssey has manyRead MoreXenia As A Major Key Of A Civilized Society896 Words à |à 4 PagesXenia Hospitality is a very diverse tradition leading all the back to the Mycenaean era. During the time period of The Odyssey, the Greeks considered hospitality a major key of a well civilized society. Throughout The Odyssey, Xenia was an extremely significant theme which was recalled many times throughout the poems. Odysseus throughout the way has shown he is exceedingly hospitable. The Odyssey reflects Xenia through Odysseusââ¬â¢s journey of: Odyessusââ¬â¢s Crew, nymphs, and the Gods. Xenia was shownRead MoreFar Removed From Our Individualistic Society Today Is The1514 Words à |à 7 Pagesindividualistic society today is the ancient Greece portrayed in The Odyssey, by Homer, where hospitality and good-will are a given in the lives of decent, moral people. As commanded by Zeus himself, those who wish the favor of the Gods must welcome foreign and domestic visitors with hospitality. The term developed to describe this concept is the Latin, xenia or guest-friendship. In ancient Greek literature, forms of the word xenia (à ¾Ã µÃ ¯Ã ½Ã ¯Ã ±), are fairly common: Homer s two books, for example, contain
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